Take Action with Passion and Purpose

I’ve been trying to pick just one word as a theme to start the new year off right as many other blogging friends have been doing. It’s sure not as easy as it seems.

I could pick GRATITUDE or POSITIVE  or CREATIVE but I’ve been working on those for years already. I try to live with daily gratitude and stay positive even on difficult days. I seek out positive quotes and affirmations and subscribe to several newsletters. I try and be creative daily with my many projects in writing, music, photography or artwork.

I tend to be somewhat cautious and passive at times, a true introvert who enjoys observing the world around me. I remember when I was a kid feeling like I was invisible as if I was watching a movie. I tended to forget that I was in the starring role of my own movie and could change the script, the setting and the theme by my actions and attitude.

I’ve been thinking that rather than one word, a good phrase would be TAKE ACTION WITH PASSION AND PURPOSE.

Each day I need to take action on some small goal and finish it or take steps towards finishing a larger project.  It needs to be projects that are meaningful and that I’m passionate about and can tackle with purpose. I can have an impact on my world and don’t have to watch passively and wait for things to happen.

I affirm on this January 5th, that I will TAKE ACTION  with PASSION for what I’m doing and have a PURPOSE by either making the world a better place or growing more as a person.

Ready. Set. Go. 2015, I’m ready for you!

Do you have a word or phrase to guide you as a new year begins?


  1. That's sounds great, Cat! Anything done with passion and purpose gives success, happiness and it has the power to transform too! So, you chose so well! I have chosen mindfulness as my word to govern me for the year 2015.

    1. I agree with you, Shilpa. I like the word "mindfulness" that you chose. It's a good one. We should all be more mindful and in the moment.

  2. "I tended to forget that I was in the starring role of my own movie and could change the script, the setting and the theme by my actions and attitude." - LOVE this. So true, and yet how often we forget! I love the phrase you chose for the year - in some ways it goes hand in hand with the one I chose, "Shift". Here's to a wonderful 2015 for both of us!

    (P.S. - Even though you ended up with a phrase and not a word, please feel free to add your post to my Word of the Year linkup if you'd like!)

    1. Thanks, Laurel. I found your linky and added my post to it. I love your word Shift, too as it inspires action and change in a positive way.

  3. Your passion will help you achieve your purpose. Great choice Cat. I chose 'conviction' and I am sure your passion and action will yield great results this year.

    1. Thanks, Inderpreet. I think your word "Conviction" is a great one, too.

  4. Love your choice of phrase for 2015 Cat! Passion and a purpose are two defining words to achieve what we really want! Wishing all the success in this year!

    1. Thanks so much, Aditi. I wish you great success for 2015 as well!

  5. I think that's a wonderful choice Cat... I don't have a word for 2015...I don't know...there are so many things I want but not sure what to chose?

    1. Thanks, Naba. I know what you mean about finding a word. That's why I picked a phrase as it was too was hard to find just one word.

  6. You are one person I truly admire from my heart, Cathy. I admire the fact that you blog so effortlessly, you write poetry so seamlessly and that you write from the heart. I think that phrase is the perfect one for the year. Good luck to you, all year and all blog long :)

    1. Awww, what a sweet thing to say, Shailaja. Kind of you. Thanks! The feeling is mutual, believe me. I admire your wonderful writing and how you can swtich gears from one kind of writing to another so effortlessly.

      I also admire your leadership and how you're carving out Blog A Rhythm to be such a fun, creative and supportive place. I'm really enjoying seeing all the ideas you are coming up with for the group. You Go Girl! We're going to have a great year, I can tell!

    2. I certainly hope so, Cathy! I am just hoping that BAR will raise the bar for blogging :) Thank you for your continued support, as always :)

  7. Cat, I think you may have set for next year and/or following years: a phrase rather than a word set as an intention or theme for the year! ;) I love your phrase and it speaks powerfully to me as I imagine it does to you. I wish you a purposeful year full of passion! :) <3


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