Gratitude Rhyme for a Monday

I am linking up to Laurel Reagan's Gratitude Link for the week on her Alphabet Salad Blog. Laurel's Gratitude List Why not add your list, too?

I think in these troubled times, it's even more important to be grateful for everything we have as you just never know what tomorrow will bring.

I am grateful for longer days and moments of sun
I am grateful when I get my blog posts done,
I’m grateful for friends both near and far
Thanks to you all wherever you are!

I’m grateful for my furry friends with paws
They still love me in spite of my flaws
I’m grateful that I saw the cardinals on the snow
I wish they’d come more often to say hello,

I’m grateful for winter, a time to ponder
A time to reflect, a time to wonder
I’m grateful to be alive for another day
There isn’t much more that I can say!


  1. Such a colourful gratitude list, you darling Cat! I am grateful for friends like you, for being alive and for being able to say what we want to say without censorship. Love the poem, as always.

    1. Thanks, Shailaja! I'm really enjoying BAR and appreciate all you're doing to make it so much fun.

  2. I'm grateful for a life that I can lead my way and for the love of my family & friends

    1. Those are wonderful things to be grateful for, Naba.

  3. Such wonderful things to be grateful for Cat: furry friends, colourful cardinals, and being alive to witness all that! :) <3

    1. So right, Elly. I count my blessings daily and feel very fortunate.

  4. What a perfect post! Gratitude makes us happy and accepting of every little good thing in our life.

  5. Lovely, Cat! Your poems make me smile. :)

    1. You know how much I like stringing words together in a silly rhyme, Laurel! Too much Dr. Seuss and Mother Goose as a kid, perhaps!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I agree with your gratitude list. It is so simple and good.
    I loved this idea so I joined in too.
    Both at Laurel's and the Gratitude Circle at Vida Sury' s blog.

    1. It's a good idea to make these lists, isn't it? We need to stop and take stock of all we have to be grateful for.


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