A Review of Picaboo

Day 3 of the blogging challenge at Write Tribe is to write a review so I have chose to write about Picaboo, an online photo book making company.

If you’re like me, you probably have loads of paper photos or digital photos taking up space in boxes or on your computer’s hard drive.

I decided to take on the job of being the family archivist and love to create books to capture the memories before they’re forgotten. For several years I have been making books, both conventional paper scrapbooks and digital.

I have tried many of the different photo book companies over the years such as Heritage Makers, Snapfish, Photobook Canada, MyPublisher, Blurb, Walmart and Picaboo.

I would have to say that my favourite is Picaboo, an American company.

Here is a photo book I made with Picaboo.com about my cat, Kobie.

The main reason I like Picaboo is for the deals they offer, ease of use, quality of their books, fast turnaround and fast mail delivery.

Their software is online so you don’t have to download anything which is a much better method. The software program is fairly easy to use and they have video tutorials and helpful ideas. If you have any problems, they have an online chat helpline where you can communicate with an actual human being.

They have a great selection of book sizes and styles to choose from in varying prices. My favourite is the 9 x 11 Landscape Size as it is the most versatile for my needs and they tend to have lots of voucher sales for that size. They also have a choice between soft cover and hard cover.

There is a variety of different templates and backgrounds for different occasions such as vacations, birthdays, Christmas, Easter etc.

You can also choose templates varying the number of photos per page which is useful when you have lots of photos and only want to make a 20 page book. You also have the choice whether to add text to your photos.

There also have other products like cards, calendars, canvases, posters, photo panels and even phone cases.

They often have deals on vouchers which I snap up for future books. These vouchers have expiry dates which is a good thing for me being a notorious procrastinator.

Which reminds me, there’s a voucher due tomorrow. Good thing I’m editing my Thanksgiving photos today. 

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d better get making my book!

I am writing this review on the third day of the week long Write Tribe Blogging Festival.
Based on Darren Rowes, Seven Days to Rediscovering Your Blogging Groove. 


  1. That sounds like fun. I love taking pictures and I believe the photographs to be like "For every joy that passes, something beautiful always remain." :) I'll definitely try to work on Picaboo. Thanks for suggesting.

  2. Thanks for sharing this great tip! I too have tonnes of photos that I'd like to organise and keep. Will definitely try this sometime.

  3. This sounds like a great service - I'll have to check it out! Thanks for the comprehensive review.

  4. Sounds interesting and a great service Cathy. I am going to try it as I love getting photographed. :)

  5. Fabulous service! I have used zoomin.com twice and I loved the experience of making photo books online. I made one for my son and one for a friend and she loved this exclusive and personalized gift! :)

  6. I haven't tried sites like this but this sounds good :)


  7. This sounds so wonderful. I've got tons and tons of pictures but have never tried making a photo book. Checking this one out rightaway. Thanks.

  8. A wonderful alternative for those who enjoy digital scalp booking!

  9. Oh that sounds interesting..will have to try it out.... I'm too lazy you know!

    Random Thoughts Naba..Link Some Inspiration Today...


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