This week I am grateful for....

Laurel Reagan has her weekly gratitude link where people can share their gratitude list.

I truly think this is a great practice to get into. Nothing cures pity parties and negative moods better than taking stock of everything you're grateful for.

Thanks, Laurel. I'm grateful for having you as a friend and fellow creative spirit to share with.

This week I am grateful for:

  • My bird feeders. Within seconds of putting up the feeders and filling them, my chickadee pals were back again and will be with me through the winter. It's a small little thing but I get such joy out of seeing birds on the feeder and even the annoying squirrel can be amusing to watch. I see he's discovered it, too and Kobie has discovered the squirrel so he finds it entertaining, too.
  • Getting over my dumb cold. Nothing like being sick to make you grateful when you start to feel well again.
  • Playing flute with my harpist friend Sharon in our group, Tartan and Tea, at the Morrisburg Legion on Friday night for a fundraiser for a Madagascar School. We also got treated to a delicious roast beef dinner and everyone was so helpful and kind to us.
  • The library. Laurel mentioned this on her list and it reminded me of how grateful I am to have our wonderful library and be connected up to all the other libraries in Ottawa. Since I don't have a lot of money, it's great to be able to go to the library and grab a bunch of books, CDs and DVDs. If I don't like some of them, I just bring em back. Libraries are the BEST!
  • Our new TV aerial. We got rid of our satellite TV since it was costing a lot and we barely ever watched it. Rory bought one of those "As seen on TV" aerials and it works just dandy. We only have a selection of channels like CBC, Radio Canada, TVO and a few others but I never watched many anyhow and there are way too many inane reality shows on these days. This works just great!
  • Our new band director, Dave. It was iffy if the band would have a director this year so I am grateful that we do now. It's fun to get back playing with the band again.
Have a great week, everyone and be grateful!


  1. I'm grateful for Indian summer this weekend, especially today! This so I can hang out my laundry to dry outside and bask in the warmth of the sun. ;) <3

  2. Ahhh...libraries! Should have made my list too. I love reading and libraries....they are so nice to have and such wonderful entertainment, especially if you check out movies, too! :)

  3. I love our library too. I would be LOST without it!

  4. Wonderful list, Cat! I'll bet Kobie LOVES the bird feeders!


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