Wordy Wednesday - What is it that I really want to say?

I wrote this short story of 300 words in response to the sentence prompt at Blog-A-Rhythm of "What is it that I really want to say?"

Wordy Wednesday at BAR

Love this new badge Sid designed to inspire us further.

“What is it that I really want to say?” Brendan held his pen poised above the heavily scrawled paper.

“Who’s the mystery girl?” his best friend, Maddy asked. “It better not be that awful Janessa you went out with last term. She’s so not worth it.”

 “No, it’s not. She only wanted me to drive her around and pay for stuff,” Brendan said making a face.

The librarian glared and put her finger to her lips.

“Forget the letter. Tell her how you feel in person,” whispered Maddy.

“I’m confused,” he said, his voice breaking. He ripped the paper up and threw the pieces into the library’s recycling bin. Running off, he disappeared into the crowd before Maddy could catch up.

A few hours later, Maddy found him sitting on a swing at the playground next to the high school.

“I’ve been looking for you. When you weren’t in English class, I got worried.” Maddy sat down on the swing next to him. “Remember how we used to spend hours here?”

“I remember,” Brendan replied. He stopped swinging and looked down at his feet.

“What’s wrong? Can’t you tell your best friend about it?” Maddy said.

Brendan swallowed and hesitated. He looked Maddy right in the eyes.

“I want us to be more than just friends. Do you think you could ever see me that way?”

Maddy broke into a big smile that lit up her face. She leaned towards Brendan and touched her forehead against his. “I’ve known we were destined to be more than just friends since I was ten and now we’re almost eighteen.”

“Guess I’m a bit slow.” Brendan reached for Maddy’s hand and squeezed it.

“I’ll say,” Maddy said with a mischievous giggle. “Now shut up and kiss me. I’ve been waiting eight years already!”


  1. Oh this is just awesome...well worth the wait!! ♥

  2. THIS is so adorable! I can just see the two of them, all lovey dovey. Awww, lovely take, Cat!

    1. You know me and lovey dovey sappy happy endings, eh, Shailaja? Maybe I watch too many chick flicks!

  3. Awww!! <3
    That was adorable!
    I'm a sucker for happy endings! :)

    1. Me, too, pixie. I figure there's enough suffering in reality so why not write something happy?

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Laurel. Love those sappy love stories, don't I?

  5. Aww.... This was such a sweet little love story. Boys, really! Always slow! :-)

    1. Yes, they are a bit clued out at times, so true, Tulika.

  6. Oh such a sweet tale! And I love the way you wove the story right from the start Cat An excellent take on the prompt! :) <3

    1. Thanks, Elly. I had fun writing it as I'm sure you could tell. I do love a happy ending.

  7. awwww Maddy has so much patience :) beautiful story that made me smile :D

    1. Glad it made you smile. I do like writing these sappy love stories. Maybe I'll try something darker sometime but it's nice to write a "Feel good" tale, too.

  8. Thanks, Loni. You know me and sappy love stories.

  9. Such a cute little love story I read it thrice.

  10. Aww...that was so cute! In the beginning, I felt Maddy was a boy, Then in the middle I knew....and then, in the end, I was thrilled! Happy endings!!!

  11. Childhood sweethearts! Reminds me of my story :) lovely

  12. This was so cute. Took me back to many teen memories :-).

  13. So cute and sweet. Ah romance!

  14. Aah..the start of a new, young love :) Lovely little tale, Cathy!

  15. This is such a feel good tale :) Lovely!

  16. How sweet! ☺ Relationships that started as friendships usually are the ones that last.


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