Z is for the writing Zone #AtoZChallenge

It's the last day of April and the final day of the April A to Z Blogging Challenge. Yay! I made it all the way through. Since I like winging it and writing my post on the day it's due, I never know for sure if I'll complete it but I'm happy to say I did all 26 posts. Turn off Facebook and turn off the phone It’s time to get into the writing zone, I long to feel myself drift away And forget my troubles of the day, Getting in the zone is not that easy I even get a wee bit queasy, What if it’s garbage and sounds really bad? Wasting time always makes me mad, And then it happens, I’m in the zone My world takes on a different tone, Time stands still and I cease to hear All the sounds, both far and near, In the zone, I feel the bliss Like a lover’s magical kiss, The words start to flow, I get them down fast Who knows how long the zone will last? It’s like nothing else I’ve ever known When I lose myself in the writing zone! ...