K is for Katie the Klutz

Katie burns every meal she makes
You should see her awful cakes,
Totally charred and hard as stone
Too much chatting on her phone,

And don’t get me started about her mess
It’s enough to cause me great distress,
Papers, dishes, clothes galore
Adorning the apartment floor,

She’s late for work almost every day
She’s had more jobs than I can say,
She’s scatterbrained and totally wild
Her attention span is worse than a child,

Katie will pretend and she will lie
In her quest to find the perfect guy,
She tells them she’s a famous star
Don’t you think that’s going too far?

You should see the high heels she wears
They make her stumble on the stairs,
The way she dresses is quite a sight
She looks like a woman of the night,

Face it, Katie is a total klutz
And I’m her roomie, I must be nuts!

I am participating in the A to Z Challenge writing a blog post for every day in April, except Sundays. http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/

Here are my previous posts for the challenge:
A is for Andante or Allegro, which one are you?
B is for Beauty of Birds
C is forMy Favourite Words begin with C
D is for It's Still a Delightful Day!
E is for Elusive Eloise
F is for Forgive and Forget
G is for Guilt
H is for Holiday in your Head
I is for Introverts can have Impact and Influence
J is for Jack and Jill


  1. Your poems are such fun, Cathy! Have you ever thought about writing children's books? Bet they'd be popular! Happy Easter Long weekend The A to Z continues, however. Wish could we have a few days to get caught up. :P

    1. Thanks, Debbie. Oh yes. I've had that dream since childhood. I've taken tons of writing courses, too. I've subbed stories and even had some stories published an a Christmas play, but never a full length book. Maybe I should self publish something. Ellie Stornebrink was trying to encourage me to do that. Happy Easter and good luck with the A to Z.

    2. Lots of people go the self-publishing route. I have been thinking about it as well, if I can ever get my WIPS finished. ☺ Not as prestigious or financially lucrative as having an actual publisher, but, at least it's out there.

  2. Hahaha! The last line was the icing on the cake! "I must be nuts". Well, that you surely are, don't know whether you're Katie's roomie or not! :P
    Happy AtoZing!
    Chicky @ www.mysteriouskaddu.com

    1. No, it was purely fictional and fun to imagine. The poor roomie putting up with that nonsense. Hope you're hanging in there with the challenge. Half way through! You can do it!

  3. Ha ha, humorous! I liked it and was expecting may be Katie was your some old person forgetting things in her old age, well room mate was a twist for me
    Launching SIM Organics This April

    *Menaka Bharathi *



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