G is for GUILT #AtoZChallenge

Why do we often feel such guilt?
It steals our joy and gets in the way,
It weighs us down like heavy silt
We forget the good in every day,

Guilt makes us angry and depressed
An unwelcome burden upon our shoulders,
Leaving us tired and overly stressed
Like a big load of heavy boulders,

Why do we often feel this way?
We’re doing our best when times are tough,
Guilt can ruin the most perfect day
Why can’t we accept that we’re good enough?

We have to learn to go with the flow
We’re good enough and even great,
Dump that guilt and let it go
Let’s be happy and celebrate,

Clear out the guilt and we feel much lighter
Our world is happier and so much brighter.


  1. Excellent advice and poem! Unfortunately, growing up with a perfectionist, narcissistic mother left me with a guilt complex (everything was my fault, nothing I did was good enough, etc.) After she moved away, those feelings subsided somewhat, but not completely. Now that she's gone, I'm hoping to get rid of them altogether. Thanks for the therapy session. ☺

    1. I think we're alike in that way, Debbie. I wear guilt like a noose around my neck. I've managed to let go of some of it and not expect perfection. I used to think I was such a failure with my weight, the state of the house, not having a job. Now I'm more at peace with myself. I still have moments though where guilt plagues me. It's like the inner critic and always hovers nearby ready to pounce. We must shed our guilt like our heavy winter coats, right, Debbie? It's so freeing when we do.

    2. Definitely! Spring is here. ☺

  2. "Guilt makes us angry and depressed"
    It sure does that to me!
    I keep reminding myself that I did my best.
    Like Debbie said, having a perfectionist parent only adds to the guilt. But I guess, with age, we learn to be more easy on ourselves. Right?
    Happy AtoZing!
    Chicky @ www.mysteriouskaddu.com

    1. Thanks, Chicky. I am trying to be easier on myself but still fall into the guilt trap occasionally. Depends on if I'm with perfectionist people who make me feel inadequate which sometimes happens. Something to always be working on. Thanks for your comment. I'm enjoying your A to Z posts! And we seem to be one of the few left using the free Blogspot, eh? Oh, the shame of it! haha!

  3. Wise words, Cat! It takes out the best in us, right? But we often have regrets and guilt.
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    1. Thanks, Shalini. Guilt is so draining and robs us of joy. It's a daily struggle with me. I have to focus on the good stuff and forget the rest.

  4. Great advice. Guilt is a heavy weight that will crush you whether you deserve it or not.
    Love the way your words rhyme and flow effortlessly, Cathy :)

    1. Thanks so much, Shilpa. Much appreciated. I do enjoy writing my little ditties. They're easier to write than the short fiction. You are so good at your 55 word stories. I'm always so impressed with your stories.

  5. You are such a whiz with verse, Cat! Love this. Guilt indeed weighs us down and holds us back from doing the things we are capable of! Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, Vidya. I do enjoy it. Sometimes it just pours out of me. Easier to write than the fiction where I can tweak away it for hours and still not have much to show for it. Guilt does hold us back, you're so right. It's a daily struggle for me depending on whom I'm with and what I'm doing. I'm much better than I used to be and can let things go more than before.

  6. Guilt always takes away the happiness in any situation. It's best that we let go of it. Good one Cat :)

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    1. Thanks, Swathi. I totally agree. Let it go. Not worth wallowing in guilt. It's such a useless emotion and people use it against us as a weapon. Best to keep positive and focus on the good stuff.

  7. Wise words, Cat! Guilt can eat us from inside and burden not just us but people around us too!

    1. So true. Thanks, Aditi. It does eat away at us if we let it.

  8. yeah, Guilt can keep us bogged down for days. Sometimes we need self motivation to get out of it. Wonderfully written Cat.

    1. Thanks so much, Raj. Yes, self motivation to get out of the guilt mindset is so important. Easy to get bogged down and consumed with it. Such a waste of time and energy.


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