J is for Journal

I love journals of every kind
Small or large, I really don’t mind,
Feminine flowers or masculine stripes
I love journals of many types,
I write "to do" lists or random thoughts
Story ideas or outlines of plots,
I write about love and I write about hate
I write down appointments so I won’t be late,
All these journals are cluttering up the place
I must stop buying them, I’m running out of space!


  1. I free-write every day in a journal. Love my journaling time!

    1. It's great to free-write, isn't it, Talya? I'd be lost without my journal and writing time. When I don't do it, I always feel something is missing.

  2. We're all collectors of something or another that connects us with our art and ourselves! I should make time for free-writing in a journal. Thanks for your inspiration!

    1. I'd be lost without my journals, bl. They're great! I have too many, but I guess there are worse addictions. ;)

  3. Cute poem. Love the Barrie quote.

    Visiting from GBE 2: Blog On group.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Linda. Glad you liked it. :)

  4. Don't stop buying them. Journal writing is great, and I wish I jotted more things down.


  5. Keep buying, keep writing, keep inspiring us, Cat!

    1. Thanks, Corinne. I'm sure I'll keep buying them. That's an addiction I can't seem to cure. And the writing in them, too. A good addiction compared to many, anyhow! :)

      Cattitude and Gratitude

  6. Don't stop. Journals rock. I keep one online now.

    1. They're great, aren't they, Suzy? Where do you keep an online journal? That's interesting that you do that. Is it like a blog or is it private?

      Cattitude and Gratitude

  7. I actually have several--all empty. Why they are empty is a very good question--I love to write, but for some reason, journals just don't call to me. My daughter has kept a journal ever since she was a very little girl. Very strange!

    1. Hi Mary. Maybe your journals are too nice. I find that if my journal is too fancy, expensive and pretty, I'm intimidated to write in it. I tend to favour the notebook/journal type book that is prettier than regular lined paper pads but not as fancy as some of those journals that I'm scared to make a mark on. Why not scribble down some thoughts in one and see what happens? I give myself permission to write junk in my journal and not worry about it being perfect. Problem is I never remember where I put ideas since I have too many journals.

      Cattitude and Gratitude

  8. Do not throw them away... do not stop buying... you work is wonderful and is so you!! it is a treasure for us now and for the future... and I agree with you... when my journal is too nice... it intimidates me... and I feel like I'm ruining it if I cross out something or write sloppily... and my journal is not even a writing journal... once I 'ruin' it ... then I'm ok... and it doesn't matter... but I've definitely found it better to have a 'cheapy' one..but that's me... hugs..


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