V is for Voice

Do you use your voice to complain and moan?
Do you witter and whine in a pitiful tone?
How you use your voice says a lot about you
And your choice of words definitely matters, too,
What if you decided to praise and rejoice?
Wouldn’t that be a much better choice?
Think about that when you use your voice.


  1. Good advice. Although sometimes we Venetians need to enjoy a little whine.


    1. Oh me, too! I can whine and moan like a Drama Queen.

  2. I wrote a post some time ago called Whinger, Whailer ....I think some people have made cribbing into a fine art. An occasional whine session is good - but all the time? ;)

    1. I agree an occasional vent is okay but constantly whining is such a downer for everyone.

      Cattitude and Gratitude

  3. That is good advice Cat. So many posts that I read focus on the negative. Once in a while it's good to whine but by and large looking at the good side of life is so much more uplifting.

    1. I believe in having a little vent, getting rid of the bad feelings, and moving onwards and upwards towards the positive. That's what I try to do anyways. Some days are better than others.

      Cattitude and Gratitude

  4. Replies
    1. This is something for me to strive for daily. Not that I attain it every day though and sometimes I do succumb to the occasional pity party and whine fest.

      Cattitude and Gratitude

  5. just for today I choose to be positive!! and use my voice to do it!!


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