Write Tribe Wednesday Prompt

I am writing this for the Write Tribe's Wednesday prompt  "Use it up, wear it out, make do or do without" I got it confused with the 100 words on a Saturday and made it 100 words, too. Oh well. Always fun to make it fit to a word count.

Write Tribe

 “Why do you bother being so environmental, Mom? No one else cares that much about saving the planet,” Glenn said, wheeling the green compost bin across the snowy driveway. “Look at that!” He pointed to the big bags of garbage out front of their neighbours’ house.

“At least I’m doing my part, however small and that makes a difference,” his mother said as she lugged the blue box to the curb.

“What do you mean?”

"As Mahatma Ghandi wisely said, 'You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result.'"     


  1. love the logic in this scene. NICE!
    Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com

  2. Awesome!!! Very nice concept conveyed in 100 words!

    Smile, it makes (y)our day!

  3. Good one Cathy, reminds me of my Mum always saying - nothing happens if you do nothing... I like the idea of sticking to word counts too.


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