X is for Xenophobic

Here we are nearly at the end of the challenge. Bravo to my fellow bloggers for seeing it through to the end! You`re all an inspiration to me! I decided to do a story for this one with a theme of hope. Might be wishful thinking to be open-minded like Anna, but it sure can`t hurt.

 “Look, Dad. The new neighbours have moved in. I think I’ll go welcome them,” Anna looked out the kitchen window at the teen boy working in the yard next door. His skin was so beautiful and reminded her of their teak table that she liked to polish to a golden brown shine. His dark eyes and hair were so different from her green eyes and red hair.

“Immigrants aren’t like us, Anna. You’ll be disappointed,” her father said gulping down his last bit of coffee and grabbing his briefcase.  

“Of course they’re like us, Dad. So they come from a different country and speak a different language. We’re all the same deep down. You worry too much.”

 “You always see everything as so rosy, Anna. Life isn’t like that.”

“I like to keep an open mind,” Anna said.

“Good luck saving the world. You’ve got your work cut out for you. See you tonight.” Her father gave her a quick hug, took his car keys from the hook and dashed out the door. Anna heard the roar of the car starting and sighed with relief as she heard her father drive away.

She opened the patio doors and stepped into the back yard. What a glorious summer day, the first day of vacation. The boy looked up at the sound of the door opening.

“Hi,” Anna said and moved closer to the fence.

“Hi,” the boy replied smiling at her.

“Welcome to Canada,” she said. “I’m Anna.”

“I am Weber,” he replied in heavily-accented English.

“Where are you from? I like your accent,” Anna said.

“Haiti,” the boy replied, watching her with wary eyes.

A dark-skinned woman wearing a colourful headdress that matched her equally vibrant dress came out of the house and saw Anna. She said something to Weber in a language that sounded a bit like French but mixed with something else.

“My mother needs me in the house. Since my father was killed in the earthquake, my uncle and I have to take care of her. She is scared and always worry,” Weber said with a shrug.

“I am so sorry about your father. My dad worries a lot, too. My mom left us ten years ago when I was six and he raised me alone,” Anna said with understanding. Their eyes met and she felt an instant connection.

“I must go. I see you later,” he finally said and started to walk away. Anna watched him go with disappointment. She would have liked to ask him about life in Haiti. 

“Do you want to come for a barbecue tonight?” Anna blurted out as he walked away.

“I don’t think my mother come,” Weber said, looking uncomfortable.

“My dad won’t want to either,” Anna said. “He keeps to himself and doesn’t trust anyone.”

Weber came close to the fence again and his face brightened.

“Why are you doing this?”

 “It’s up to us to help them overcome their fears. Don’t you agree?”

“Yes,” Weber said and smiled showing his bright white teeth. “You are right. Thank you, Anna.”


  1. That is a lovely story and wonderful for Anna to reach out to welcome him.

    1. Thanks, Kathy. It was a bit sappy but I was in the mood for sappy this morning for some reason.

  2. Excellent! Bravo Anna! Usually when family is involved, it gets even harder to overcome fears. Good inspiring story today.

  3. Sweet story. And in the end, the two become lifelong friends?

    Liz A. from Laws of Gravity

  4. I don't think it is sappy -- it is honest and truthful. I enjoyed it

  5. This is indeed such a beautiful story. I wrote about the same word last year, although yours is more lovely and hopeful than mine. :)

  6. It is a heartwarming story and an excellent illustration of how one can overcome xenophobia. ☺


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