Dogs are the greatest!

I saw this funny dog in a gift store the other day and couldn't resist taking a photo of it. Kind of like my lawn ornament obsession, I suppose!

I liked the funny crown on his head. To many loving owners, their dog is king. I feel lucky to have many Facebook friends who love dogs and work to raise money for rescue groups and shelters.

Dogs are the greatest, no doubt about it. We have an Alaskan Malamute named Loup who was abandoned out here in farm country. The hubs already had three dogs at the time but took him on, too.

All our other dogs are gone now and we only have Loup, the king.

I also love cats but I didn't see a cat with a crown in that store. If I ever do, I'll take a photo of that for sure! 

I am writing something every day for the Yeah Write NoMo Challenge for November.


  1. So cute! ☺ Of course, this post got my attention immediately. Your Loup is such a handsome boy, Cathy.

    1. Thanks, Debbie. I knew you'd like this one. I thought this dog with crown was very cute but I didn't run to buy it though. Loup is king around here, or is it Kobie who is king? I think Kobie is winning these days.

  2. I've never really understood the "dog" person/"cat" person thing. I just like animals. Glad to read I'm not the only one.

    1. Yes, some folks really do prefer one over the other. While I do tend to favour cats a bit more, I do love dogs, too. Thanks for your comments!


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