Preserve the Memories with photo books!

I have been making digital photo books and scrapbooks for many years now. I really got into the digital books about ten years ago when the online technology became popular. I still find it amazing how I can make a book online, order it and send it off and then in a week or so, the book arrives in the mail. Magical!

People probably think I’m a little bit crazy making all these photo books of events in our lives. I have boxes full of books of events and beautiful photos I have taken of our pets, Nature, birds, and the seasons. If there was a fire, I would grab those first.

I truly believe that it’s so important to get the photos off the camera and computer and preserve the memories. I’ve often been surprised how some people could care less about preserving their photos and that saddens me.They think it's way too much work to even contemplate sorting their photos, let alone make a book.

I will keep making the books and will do it till I can’t anymore. Sorry boys to saddle you with all these books but it will be something special for you to look at when you’re old and I am gone. You can’t say I didn’t document your childhood!

I have made a book of all our visits to Cape Breton each summer for many years now. I’d always send one to my parents and keep one for myself.

Here is a photo of my mom with her cat, Mykie from the book I made in 2009.

With my mom gone, these books have become that much more precious to me and I’m glad I made them and I will continue to make them. Preserving the memories is so important.

We are all here on Earth for such a short time and want people to remember us after we’re gone. What better way than a photo book to tell the story of our lives so people will know we lived and loved as my mom did to the fullest.

I am writing something every day for the Yeah Write NoMo Challenge for November.


  1. This is a fabulous idea, Cathy! How wonderful to preserve those memories. ♥

    1. Thanks, Debbie. I'm a bit of a fanatic but I truly believe in them.

  2. Love your Mom's pic! Photo books are special. Whenever the family is together we take out old photo albums and browse through them, laughing, smiling, crying! Preserving memories is so important, I agree! Hugs!

    1. Thanks, Aditi. That's great that your family shares those albums. Appreciate your kindness. Hugs to you, too.

  3. I love the idea of photo books to mark special events. How wonderful that you're doing that for your family!

    1. Thanks, Laurel. It's important to me to preserve those memories. With my mom gone now, they have become even more special.

  4. That is beautiful Cathy dear. I have so many pics- on my computer, but this is a great reminder to make them into something more, and as gifts as well. Sending you warm hugs in a time I can just imagine is hard for you sweetie:-)

    1. Thanks, Eli. It's great to do something with all these photos we take or they're lost. Thanks for the kind support. Appreciate it. Hugs to you, too.


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