Reflections on the YeahWrite NoMo Writing Challenge

It’s the 30th of November and I made it all the way through the Yeahwrite NoMo writing challenge, Yeah Write NoMo writing every single day for thirty days. Phew! I did it! Get out the champagne and chocolate to celebrate, Shilpa!

It’s not quite the accomplishment that NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is where you write a whole novel in a month, but I’m still pleased with myself. I forced myself to sit down at the computer and write something, even when I didn’t feel like it. As the month went on, I was determined not to ruin my perfect record and that motivated me even more. 

It wasn’t always easy, but I persevered, even on the hard days when time and inspiration were both in short supply.

My one regret is that I didn’t visit other blogs as much as I would have liked. Some days it was enough just to get the post done. I also didn’t finish replying to all the comments but I will try to catch up this week. I do appreciate the people who took the time to read my blog. That means a lot. Thank you!

When we lost our baby girl due to forceps injuries in 1992, I turned to writing to share about my feelings of sadness and despair. I also befriended bereaved parents and we shared our feelings and offered each other support to get through a difficult time. Writing helped me so much in my grief journey and out of that, I rekindled a passion for writing that I’d had since childhood.

The tragic event of my mom’s death on November 16th of a sudden stroke was such a shock to the family. It’s still so hard to realize that I won’t ever see her or talk to her again. The sadness is all consuming at times.

Once again, writing helps me share my grief and my memories of my mother. I find writing so therapeutic and healing. It’s like a trusted friend who is always there to lean on. 

The blog challenge rekindled that love of writing that is always there but sometimes goes on hiatus when other things are happening. Somehow with the imposed deadline, I forced myself to write and was pleasantly surprised that I could produce something. Also it made me realize that I am able to do so much more than I think I can. 

I look forward to another writing challenge soon.


  1. hugs! I'm so sorry for your loss :(
    and here's to reading you more this month! :)

    1. Thanks very much, Pixie. Appreciate the support.

  2. And, I am so very proud of you, my dear! Congratulations! Keep it up, sweetie!
    Yes, writing is therapeutic; it helps relieve the pain we accumulate in our hearts for fear of being ridiculed , for fear of being called a sissy. As you said, writing is the only trusted friend we can lean on. That is what you did. And, that is what I too will be doing, always.
    I hope it helps you keep up your spirit and i hope you keep writing always, always!
    Love and hugs!

    1. Thanks for this lovely post, Shilpa. Very kind of you. Haven't written much in my blog for December after the challenge. Will have to get going again. Congrats to you, too, for completing the challenge.

  3. Sending you love and hugs, Cat. I feel choked to think you persevered in spite of tragic circumstances. No words can console the loss of your beloved Mom....I know that feeling of emptiness that follows the realization that you'll never see her/hear her voice. You are an amazing person Cat! I am full of admiration for you. I am so glad you write, because you do it like a pro!

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment, Vidya. Sorry it took so long for me to reply. I missed it somehow. You sound like you fully understand my loss since you've gone through it. It's getting a bit easier to accept each day as there isn't much choice but I do miss my mom still and guess I always will.

      Thanks for the kind words on my writing. That is high praise from a great writer like yourself. Much appreciated.

      Happy 2016 and hope to connect with our writing once again! Hugs to you across the miles!

  4. Well done, Cat! Sounds like it's been an empowering experience.

    1. OOPS! Meant to reply here. See comment below.

  5. Thank you, Laurel. It really was empowering and therapeutic. Good way to describe it.

  6. Writing through the shock of loss must have been hard, Cat but I know what you mean. So sorry once again for your loss but I agree that writing is the best therapy. Hugs!

    1. Thanks for this lovely comment, Shailaja. Much appreciated. Yes, writing was difficult but did help me deal with my shock and grief. It really is the best therapy as you say.


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