Remembering my mom

My mother passed away suddenly this morning just as she was going to phone me for the usual Monday Report as she liked to call it. My poor father found her collapsed in her chair with the phone and she was gone just like that. She was a stubborn, feisty character who always said she didn't want to end up in a nursing home so she managed to get her wish.

With my parents aging and my mom having gone through many health challenges such as breast cancer twice and a heart condition, I’ve known time was growing short. I still wasn’t prepared for it. Is anyone prepared when we lose a loved one? All we can do is accept the new reality that has been imposed on us and try to make the best of it.

I will remember my mother as a vibrant and creative spirit, so full of life. She always had the most positive outlook and was always there for me. 

I will miss her so much and am grateful that the boys and I were able to spend summer vacations with her and my father in Cape Breton every year since the boys were small. We have many wonderful memories to cherish in these dark days of grieving ahead of us.

I will strive to be positive, live in the moment, love and serve others, seeking beauty and being creative as my mom would always do. She will be missed and fondly remembered by family and friends.

I am writing something every day for the Yeah Write NoMo Challenge for November.


  1. Cathy, My heart goes out to you! What a shock that must have been. Please accept my sincere condolences. ♥

    1. Thanks, Debbie. Still coming to terms with the reality of it. The grieving process can be long with many moments of sadness amidst the warm memories.

  2. I so recently went through this that my heart is crying out to you. I am not crying daily now. I am finding more and more memories to smile about and I am so happy I had her for so many years. I do, however, miss her terribly still and every single day she walks through my mind numerous times. So much of my life was about her...then it wasn't.
    Big hugs and that Cardinal will mean so much more to you now. The heavenly visitors I call them.

    1. Thanks, Jo. I know that you fully understand the depth of the grief and miss your mom, too. Yes, the cardinal is my spirit bird and always gives me comfort. Now I will think of my mom, too, when he appears.

  3. I came over from Debbie's blog and noticed your comment. I just wanted to say that my prayers are with you, your father and your family. It is never easy whether it is expected or not and I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts are truly with you

    1. That is so kind of you to come over to my blog, Birgit. Thanks so much for your kind words. Very thoughtful of you.

  4. My deepest, warmest condolences to you, dearest Cat. I cannot believe that this happened and how terrible to lose someone you love so suddenly. I pray for her soul and that it finds eternal peace. And I shall light a candle for you today, Cat, to help you through this time. I so wish I could reach out physically and give you a hug now. Imagine that I am doing it, it's the best I can do. Warm, warm hugs and heartfelt condolences once again, dearest Cat.

    1. Thanks for your kind words and lighting a candle in memory of my mother. That is so kind and thoughtful, Shailaja. I do appreciate it.

  5. Sadness is natural now.. your mom and dad seemed so real to me.. just from your fb posts to and about them.. wish I could be there to give you a hug... how sweet tho that she was just about to call you... thinking of you as she left this world... hugs and love ..

    1. So true about the phone call. My friend Kay thinks that was a special gift to me that I was there at her last moments as she had just dialed the phone and dropped it when she had her stroke. I heard my mom calling out to her. Then he picked up the phone and told me she'd had a stroke. She never got to say anything but at least I was there in a way which is special and she was thinking of me as she left this world. Thanks ChocMA!

  6. My sincere condolences to you on the loss of your mother Cat. I wish for you lots of TLC, comfort and peace. Take good care. <3

  7. Very lovely Cathy, we will miss her presence (and her apple pie) when we go to the cottage. I hope "the baby" does not miss her too much I worry about her. She is gone but not forgotten. Love and prayers to you, Brian and boys. Love Aunt Carole.

    1. Thanks, Carole. The obituary looks really good. Very touching.

  8. I remember you posting about the "Monday Reports," Cat, and your posting photos of her Cape Breton home. My heart goes out to you and your Dad. ~ Love & xo, Laura P

  9. A lovely remembrance, Cat. She'd be so proud of your kindness and strength! ~ Love & xo, Laura

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words. Much appreciated.

  10. I'm so sorry for your loss, Cat.Thinking of you at this difficult time. May her memory be a blessing.

    1. Thanks, Ronna. I appreciate you thinking of me.

  11. I'm so sorry. No matter how prepared we are, we are always completely unprepared. Take your time going through this, and savor every memory.

    1. Thanks, Nancy. So true. We know the time is coming but it doesn't make it any easier when it arrives. I am savouring the memories and am glad I got to see my mom each summer and that we kept in touch online and with phone calls.

  12. Oh, Cat, I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your dear mom. I am thinking of you and your family at this sad time.


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