Y is for Young

I wish I was young once more,
with the wisdom of age,
I’d make sure to open every door
and write on every page,

I’d worry less and have more fun
I wouldn’t care what people thought,
If I failed at what I’d done
I wouldn’t get distraught,

I’d be in the moment and be more caring
I’d be less selfish and be more sharing,
I’d reach out instead of holding back
I’d get back on course when I got off track

But since I can’t be young again
At least I can be young at heart,
I will follow my own advice
And make a fresh new start.

This April I am participating in the A-Z Challenge 

and the NaPoWroMo Challenge NaPoWriMo where I will write a post and a poem for each letter of the alphabet each day in April except for Sundays.


  1. Sage advice from a wiser older part of you Cat! :) Keep young at heart and do all these things your heart desires! ;) <3

    1. It's too bad we become wiser as we age and are so naive as a young person. Oh, to go back and do it all again, properly this time.


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