X is for ????

 If X is such an important letter
Why aren’t there more X words?
My other posts turned out better
This post is "for the birds",

The birds didn’t want it
And wanted food instead,
“Why would we want your X post?
Give us seeds,” they said.

I’m totally eXhausted writing about X
I wanted to and I really did try,
I’d like to put a hex on the letter X
Guess I’ll  give up and wait for letter Y! 

This April I am participating in the A-Z Challenge 

and the NaPoWroMo Challenge NaPoWriMo where I will write a post and a poem for each letter of the alphabet each day in April except for Sundays.


  1. Hahaha! Good one, Cathy. ☺ Reminds me of my "Undecided" post.

  2. You put great words on my thoughts too Cat! Why arent there more xwords indeed?!:-) hugs

  3. hahaha - cute Cat! ;) You could have written about the Green origin of the word "xenophon" as being "strange voice" and written about that! ;) <3

  4. hahaha X is a tough one isn't it :D enjoyed reading


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