Z is for Zeal

Zealous, zappy and full of zest
As dancers go, Zoey’s the best,
With a wiggle of her hips, she shows such zeal
Zoe is a dancer who can really feel,

She dances across the stage with ease
Light and ethereal, just like a breeze,
Ballet, zumba, she does it all
And she doesn’t ever fall!

This April I am participating in the A-Z Challenge 

and the NaPoWroMo Challenge NaPoWriMo where I will write a post and a poem for each letter of the alphabet each day in April except for Sundays.


  1. Yay Cat ! Great finale:-) i feel like dancing now also! We did it! Loved your poems this month! Hugs

    1. Thanks, Eli! It was fun, wasn't it? Let's dance! YEH! I promise to get over and catch up with your blog as I really enjoyed your a-z posts also.

  2. I have a friend named Zoe and I think she loves to dance with zeal too! :) Cute poem as usual Cat! Thanks for sharing your zestful poetry! ;) <3


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